VSCode for Apple Silicon based Macs (ARM)

Andrew A. Barber (he/him)
4 min readNov 21, 2020
Hello World (React) on Visual Code Studio

Visual Studio Code has become a staple for many developers workflows. With devs taking advantage of using the extensive extensions library, ease of use, integration with GitHub and more.

Naturally, it was one of the first apps I reached out to look for when setting up my ARM-based MacBook Pro.

I had heard that Microsoft has already announced that they want to bring VSCode natively to the new line of Macs. So I anticipated no real issues (or quick fixes for any that were there!), but wondered — like many, how VSCode would work on the new devices.

TLDR; VSCode isn’t optimised for the M1 chip, but runs fine… VSCode Exploration is optimised but comes with bugs… (as you would expect!)


I first tried the standard release of VSCode for mac… which launched and ran with no challenges using the Rosetta2 translation layer. I’ve used it fairly extensivly and have found no real issues in my day to day workflow - this should could as a releif to many developers out there I’m sure.

I imagine, though, that using the translation layer will drain the (incredible by the way!) battery life on my laptop quicker, so I thought I would search for a native version of VS…



Andrew A. Barber (he/him)
Andrew A. Barber (he/him)

Written by Andrew A. Barber (he/him)

Camping & Coding! ⛺ 👨‍💻 Here for JavaScript ❤️, React 💻📱, NodeJS 👨‍💻 but also Camping ⛺, Hiking ⛰️ and Scouting! ⚜️

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